Saturday, February 20, 2016

'Cursed Temple of Yamiz' pt 2 
'Retrieve Brother Klavius'

Tasked with attempting to locate the missing cleric, Culsep the warrior monk has been hired to find out what happened and if possible return Brother Klavius.

Human Warrior (Lvl 1)
Str: 16, Dex: 11, Con: 18, Int: 14, Wis: 9, Cha: 7
Greatsword +3 Atk (total)
Warrior Monk, Long Distance Runner, Destroyer of Dark Cult, Knows noble servants, An ear for lies

Upon entering the last known location, Culsep was instantly greeted with a patrol of Lizardfolk (7HD - 5 Minions / 2 Elites).  It seems that the reports of the locals is true as this area as it does appear that they have taken up residence in the old temple.

Seeing this many on patrol, Culsep is pretty sure he is in the right place and charges into the group ahead.  With his strength and size, he easily dispatches the first couple in the group causing a morale check, which they pass.  Seeing their friends taken out so easily must have startled the rest as none of their attacks hit their mark.  Quickly seizing the advantage Culsep quickly took are of the remainder without so much of a scratch.

Continuing deeper into the temple, Culsep came upon the Garden, but upon entering the room he was spotted by small band of creatures huddling over something.  But these creatures also had a human among them...

Encounter - 5HD of Minions and Elites 4/1
Treasure - H2
Feature - Dangerous Intruder, Known wanted to local noble, Servant to Lizardfolk, Mage

4 Minions / 1 Mage / 1 Elite

The battle with this group seemed to last quite longer as they got in a couple of decent hits (3 dmg) to Culsep, but in the end he managed to come through with very little more than a scratch.

4 Rounds
  3 Damage

Rest to heal +2 Damage 10/11 HP

After sifting through their belongings and applying a few bandages, Culsep decided to press on as with this much action, he felt he already might be too late.

Peeking his head out of the Garden, he noticed another patrol in the adjacent hallway, unfortunately they also noticed him and he was forced back into action.

Another patrol
6HD worth of Minions and Elites
3 Minions / 3 Elites

Just like the earlier patrol, Culsep was able to strike down a few of their members with ease.  It might have been this feeling of superiority that soon found him swinging wildly as his opponents landed blow after blow felling our hero.

While this result was not what I had hoped, I definitely believe I played it better as I understood more after my 1st adventure and seemed to be getting into a small rhythm with asking questions and consulting charts.

At this point, I believe this Temple is way too tough and we might head into the wilderness to search for some clues as to why the Lizardfolk have moved from the swamp and taken up in the 'Cursed Temple of Yamiz'


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